Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lone Survivor Pt. 3

I have continued to read Lone Survivor and have read pages 100 to 150. The story continues to catch my attention every time I pick it up. Marcus tells about the grueling requirements of achieving his dream of becoming a Navy Seal. He knew it would be the hardest thing he had ever tried to do in his life. He had prepared for this moment since the time he was in high school, and he trained with a local military hero to prepare to become a Navy SEAL, but even with all that training it barely prepared him for the grueling requirements to become a Navy SEAL. He was forced to push himself to the limits of his physical ability and tougher than that his mental toughness and endurance. His early weeks of indoctrination were to prepare him for the BUDS course, which stands for Basic Underwater Demolition SEALS. Only the best of the best, the toughest of the toughest, make it into the SEALS. Teamwork is drilled into you with every drill and challenge you encounter. One of the things that makes becoming a SEAL so difficult is that you are forced to spend long amounts of time in very cold water and without sleep. All of this makes me want to work very hard for what I believe in. I really love basketball and this makes me want to train as hard as I can. Hopefully training this hard would make me the best I can be. It makes me want to push my body to its greatest lengths so I can be the best I can. Also it makes me want to work harder in school so I can get good grades and attend a good college. If I went to a good college I could get a good job after it.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I would say that this test is somewhat accurate. I pretty much see things as they are and really don't try to find a deeper meaning in simple things. I am pretty honest person and kind of tell it how it is. I love to hang out with my friends and just do ridiculous things. Those are the things that stick in my mind. But when it comes to certain days I would just rather hang out by myself and possibly with my family.


The book I am currently reading is Lone Survivor. It is a book about a navy SEAL and how his team was killed except for him in the Afghan mountains. I think that all Americans should read this greatg book.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lone Survivor Pt. 2

I have continued reading Lone Survivor and I keep on getting more intrigued with every turn of the page. I read pages 50 through 100 and it is hard for me to put the book down. Marcus writes about what it was like growing up in East Texas, while he still is reminiscing the past. He and his twin brother Morgan grew up on a farm where his mom raised and trained horses. He spent a lot of his time outdoors learning to fish and hunt and swim at a very young age. He was expected to work hard and earn everything he got. Their horse farm was about 1,200 acres, and they had 125 thorough breads quarter horses. This provided all different types of work for Marcus to do. In addition to working hard on the farm,he was expected to work hard at school. Respect for authority was demanded by his parents. I feel like this has been lost in our culture. If people do not want to do something they just simply blow off what they were asked to do. But for me the worst part is the people are never punished for being so disrespectful. I am not saying I have never done this but I do my best to keep a good attitude. I guarantee Marcus was asked to so some things he really didn't want to do but he did them anyway. His dad, had been an outstanding swimmer, and insisted on his sons to become strong swimmers. Marcus was such a good swimmer and scuba driver that he started a business in which he would retrieve keys and valuables people lost in the water. His dad only allowed them to get paid if they found what they were looking for. Occasionally he would have an encounter with and alligator or water moccasin. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lone Survivor Pt. 1

I am currently reading the book Lone Survivor I have read the first 50 pages of the book so far. It is a non-fiction book that has to do with war and it connects with the patriotism I have for my country. This book starts with Marcus Lattrell, he's a navy seal, and is apart of SEAL team 10. He gives an account of how his teammates fought and died in Afghanistan. This story is a heart wrenching account of courage and bravery. The story begins with a prologue of Marcus visiting the families of the men who died in the fight in the mountains of Afghanistan, and those who died in the attempt to rescue there fellow comrades. He travels all over the country to tell each person that his fallen comrade was very close too. In one case the mom did not accept that her son had been killed until Marcus told her. This tears on my heart because this mom loved her son so dearly and he lost his life fighting for our country. I am always indebted to the people that fight for the is great country and the country I like to call the greatest on the planet.  Each visit included Marcus retelling the story of their courage and how they died these visits were filled with deep sadness and many tears. These weren't visits that Marcus wanted to make but he knew he must make them to help the grieving families and honor those who died. As things move forward he is sitting on the airplane, where he then begins to ponder the experiences in training and how the training has helped him not only to be a better fighter, but a tougher man as well. His thoughts are only for a time before he parachutes out into the Afghan mountains.