Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lone Survivor Pt. 3

I have continued to read Lone Survivor and have read pages 100 to 150. The story continues to catch my attention every time I pick it up. Marcus tells about the grueling requirements of achieving his dream of becoming a Navy Seal. He knew it would be the hardest thing he had ever tried to do in his life. He had prepared for this moment since the time he was in high school, and he trained with a local military hero to prepare to become a Navy SEAL, but even with all that training it barely prepared him for the grueling requirements to become a Navy SEAL. He was forced to push himself to the limits of his physical ability and tougher than that his mental toughness and endurance. His early weeks of indoctrination were to prepare him for the BUDS course, which stands for Basic Underwater Demolition SEALS. Only the best of the best, the toughest of the toughest, make it into the SEALS. Teamwork is drilled into you with every drill and challenge you encounter. One of the things that makes becoming a SEAL so difficult is that you are forced to spend long amounts of time in very cold water and without sleep. All of this makes me want to work very hard for what I believe in. I really love basketball and this makes me want to train as hard as I can. Hopefully training this hard would make me the best I can be. It makes me want to push my body to its greatest lengths so I can be the best I can. Also it makes me want to work harder in school so I can get good grades and attend a good college. If I went to a good college I could get a good job after it.

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