Friday, November 11, 2011


I have finally concluded this semester of reading. Before this class I never read. I would only read for school and most of the time I would just spark-note the book. Sometimes I would read an article in a magazine or in the paper but never really a book. As I began reading more and more I noticed that I was drawn more towards books about war and books that have to do with the military. It was very easy for me to find the books that I liked to read and I stuck with them throughout. I just couldn't stop reading a book when I didn't know what all happened. I liked these types of book so much that it was very easy for me to meet the quota for the number of pages to read. I pretty much read anytime I had some down time at school and work. I read most of the time in study hall and if I had 5 minutes toward the end of a period. I never listened to music or texted while I read, I just focused on the book. I occasionally would talk to my dad about a book I was reading but that did not happen to often. I feel like now I will read for fun because reading is fun. I will probably stick to books that have to do with the military because I like those the best. I really don't know that specific book I will be reading next but I will find one. This semester has really changed my outlook on reading and I am happy that I now found reading to be fun.

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