Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Black Hawk Down pt5

Too many things were happening at the same time, all of them bad. Task Force Ranger was two hours into a mission that was supposed to have taken only one hour. For General Garrison and his staff in the airfield JOC, watching and listening on the TV screens and radio, and to element commanders Harrell the awful recognition that events had spilled out of control. As the battle raged on, outnumbered and trapped, their force was now stretched beyond its limits. Durant's crash site was an imminent danger of being overrun. Most of the original assaulter s, about 160 D-boys and Rangers, were now either cut to pieces on the limping ground or strung out on the foof between the target house and the first helicpotor crash site. They belonged to the strongest military power on Earth, but until some additonal force could be brought to bear, they were stranded, fighting for their lives on the city streets surrounded by thousands of furious well-armed, crazy, Somalians.

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