Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ghost Soldiers pt2

I am still reading Ghost Soldiers and I have read pages 50 to 100. As the story begins to unfold, it tells how the soldiers got to be imprisoned in Bataan. Many soldiers were very ill, wounded, or exhausted as the Japanese troops continued to push forward, forcing the US troops to retreat. Disease was spreading, the soldiers bodies coursed with every worm and pathogen a hot jungle can visit, battling against dengue fever, amebic dysentery, bacillary dysentery, tertian malaria, cerebral malaria, typhus typhoid. The field hospitals were ripe, with gas gangrene, spreading from wound to wound. The medical center was so over packed people were lined up outside to wait to be treated, as the Japanese continued to push. The food supply, was what they could find, mostly grubs and silk worms. The men were exhausted to the point that one guy said even his hair was tired. It was crazy to the point, navy men had to be put in infantry, firing machine guns. The front lines had been broken so many times, there wasn't even a line to be broken anymore. As days went on, disease became worse, along with wounded, and fatigue. Before they were going to get captured they knew they had to get rid of anything that could help the Japanese. Their guns, grenades, jeeps, tanks, and whatever else. The capture was a fate that could not be changed, they had retreated, until there was no place to retreat. Although, they still hoped for a miracle rescue. The men were fighting for out freedom an they had to suffer. Them suffering has helped us be able to live the way we live today. I thank these men for fighting for us.

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