Wednesday, October 12, 2011

black Hawk Down pt7

I have continued reading Black Hawk Down and i read pages 300 to 350. Maechal Durant was a pilot of the 2nd Black Hawk that crashed. He was captured by a mob and carried away. He was taken to an unknown location his captures looked at him not as a prisoner of war but as a hostage. They knew that they could get money in return for him. While he was in captivity on one occasion someone pointed a gun into the room and shot, but only did minor harm to him. It wasn't until 9:30 PM that rescue force headed into the city. Monuvering through the city was not going to be easy, with so many vehicles. Involved in the convoy were Malaysians and Pakistanis. The soldiers in the city were becoming impatient for the rescue forces to come. One of the rescue forces to come. One of the soldiers, whose last name was Smith bled to death. Eventually the convoy started to approach the pinned down soldiers in the city. the men are putting their lives on the line and that is what the military is about. The military drills that into their soldiers and that is what makes America the greatest country on the planet. The men were putting their lives on the line and the men excepted this challenge. I hope that these men get out alive.

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