Friday, September 30, 2011


"But every enemy advertises weakness in the way he fights. To Aidid's fighters, the Rangers weakness was apparent. They were not willing to die."
pg. 110
The total pages I read was 100.
These sentences are saying that the opposing fighters were scared of the American troops. The troops were going to fight as hard as they could so they would not die. The enemy was not ready for that kind of force or will.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Black Hawk Down pt4

I have read through pages 150 to 200 and the story continues to intrigue me. The war stories what I like to read. After the Black Hawk helicopter crashed it became urgent that the Americans get to the crash sight to rescue and protect their fellow soldiers. Just getting to the crash sight proved to be more difficult than anyone imagined. The soldiers did not know the streets of the city very well, and the helicopters over head were having difficulties communicating an accurate route to tkae to get to the crash sight, but far worse than all of that was that bullets were being fired at them from every direction moving down the streets was like walking into a death trap. The soldiers, since invulnerability, was being challenged no matter how well trained the American soldiers were along with being well armed with the best weapons available the shear size of the mob of people shooting at them placed their lives at great risk. The most dangerous place to be was in an intersection. The other soldiers were sacrificing their own lives to save other and that is what makes America who we are. We fight for others and sacrifice for others and that is very special. I thank the people in the armed forces for that. The men having these characteristics make us a powerful force. I feel like some people do not understand that because they just do not care but their attitude should be changed because that is just sad to see. Those peoples eyes need to be opened and I am thankful that mine have been.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Black Hawk Down pt3

I have continued to read Black Hawk Down by Maak Bowden and i am once again learning so much about war.  Late afternoon was not the best time for such an attack because the young man in and around Mogadishu were high on khat. It made them aggressive and fearless in attacking the Americans. The DELTA operators were successful, in subduing and arresting the war Lord associates i the target house. After securing the house the awaiting convoy moved into position to load up the captives for their return to the American base. By this time the battle in the streets of Mogadishu was starting to intensify all four chalks were coming under heavy fire, including rocket propelled grenades (RPGs). Although, the situation was dangerous everything changed when a Black Hawk Helicopter was hit by a rocket propelled grenade and crashed four to five blocks from the target building. The mission now shifted not only from capturing the enemy leaders, but to rescuing those who had crashed in the Black Hawk helicopter, as well. These 50 pages taught me about the sacrifice that these soldiers made for us. It is crazy to think that these men thought it was not going to be that bad of a mission but they ended up giving their life. The men in that helicopter gave their lives for our freedom. The helicopter going down changed what these soldiers thought what was going to be a somewhat easy day. War is unpredictable and that is what is crazy because you never know what a situation my hold.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Currently 9-23

"But there was a terrible reality about Mikey's words. Was I afraid of these guys? No. I was afrain of their possible buddies in the Taliban? No. I was afraid of the Liberal media back in the U.S.A.? Yes."
From Lone Survivor
When I read these sentences it really hit me. It hit me because these men were not afraid of fighting they were afraid of getting attacked my a media that truly had no idea what was going on. These men went to fight for our country and they were still getting attacked and they were being looked at as the enemies. This passage really resinated with me for some reason.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Black Hawk down pt2

I have continued reading in Black Hawk Down and have read pages 50 to 100. Four Units of soldiers, called challss, would establish a perimeter to protect the DELTA operators who entered the target building to make their capture. One thing that showed that the mission was doomed was when the soldier named Blackburn missed the rope and fell 70 feet to the ground and was severely injured. No sooner had the soldiers hit the ground and they were under attack, from enemy fire, that seemed like everyone men, women, and children from the city were converging on the soldiers, and they didn't come empty handed. It seemed like they all carried guns and were willing to use them to kill the American soldiers. Everything was being monitored by the senior officers back at the hanger led by general Garrison. Although, the Americans had been welcomed at first the attitude towards them had quickly changed and made a volt-face among the people of Somalia. These soldiers were ready to fight because they enlisted in the army and have chosen to fight for the US. I thank these men for putting there lives on the line for me and all of America. These men should be thanked daily and I am glad that we do the pledge everyday before school. I feel very blessed to be able to do that and I always love to do it.

Black Hawk Down Sentences

"Soldiering was about fighting. It was about killing people before they killed you. It was about having your way by force and guile in a dangerous world, taking a **** in the woods, living in dirty, difficult conditions, eduring hardships and risks that could- and sometimes did- kill you."
pg. 24

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Black Hawk down pt1

I have started a new book wish is similar to the book I was reading previously. It is another army book about people fighting for our country. Black Hawk Down is a story about the United States Army Rangers and DELTA force operation in the city of Mogadishu, Somalia. On October 3, 1993 the mission was to capture and arrest the war lord, Mohamed Farrah Aidid. On this day the plan was to capture two of his high level associates, who were hiding in a building in the hear of Mogadishu. The assault did not take place until late in the afternoon around 3:30 pm the entire mission was to last about an hour. The soldiers would arrive at the target sight, and be inserted into the combat zone by repelling from the helicopter. The mission was to strike unexpectedly, quickly, and with overwhelming force. Up until this point every mission had been successful, no one could imagine what awaited these brave soldiers. The soldiers flew low over the city after leaving a makeshift base at an old airport outside the city limits. There was a convoy that would bring the soldiers back to the base after the mission. This has all happened within the first 50 pages of this book. I love reading a book like this because it shows me that America is the best country on the planet. It helps me realize how many that all of my freedoms are because of warriors like these. I cannot wait to keep reading this book and keep learning. I hope I enjoy this book as much as I did the last.

Claims of the day

My favorite claim is from Dolphincat
1. Team iLuminate’s performance on NBC’s Americas Got Talent the groups [jerky but elegant movements, strange and breath-taking choreography, and rapid roaming use of space]

2. In the beautifully bright movie poster of the Wizard of Oz, the creators use of old fashioned colors, alive and real facials, reverent feelings, and excited attractiveness makes this old fashioned movie a must see movie. 

3. In this dance from the show America's Best Dance Crew, the [crew's breath-taking yet crazy, loud and exciting choreography, fast paced music, and wide range of use of space] express [a dramatic explosion and loud abstruseness.]

4. In the music video “The Adventure,” by the band Angels and Airwaves, resonant and alive music, roaming and adventurous surroundings, and powerful, real energy convey that a man’s life should be lived with passion and adventure, as long as his true love is by his side.

5. In this photo it seems that a group friends are marking the end of an era or the start of something new, the arms outstretched are either reaching for something that's gone or welcoming something that is coming.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Elements of the "DUNK"

Size: big, colossal, tall

Space: floating, wide, immense

Setting: extravagant, powerful, glamorous

Sound: faint, quiet, thundering, noisy

Explosive, peaceful, flying, amazed, insane, superior, playful

In this scene you see Blake Griffin dunking a basketball, his expressions show his immense, powerful, and colossal body floating in the air, putting the extravagant crown into a short time of faint, quiet, and peaceful time before they erupted into a thundering and noisy crowd.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Poem of the month

I put the poem Paino, in my muleskin, by Dan Howell.

Currently 9-16

I have already posted my most favorite sentences earlier this week. But this week I read a total of 100 pages and finised my book. The book was a total of 400 pages. Out of my sentences I cannot pick my most favorite sentence because they are in a paragraph. I liked this paragraph because it showed a town coming toegther for an American hero. It gave me chills when I reaed it. There were traffic jams becuase so many people wanted to come and give there respects and to that all I have to say is WOW and God Bless America!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I read and finished the book Lone Survivor. I read all 400 pages.
 “They actually did close down the entire city of Chico, in northern California, when Axe came home. It’s a small town, situated around seventy-five miles north of Sacramento, with its own municipal airport. The escort was met by an honor guard which carried out the coffin in front of a huge crowd, and the funeral a day later stopped the entire place in its tracks, so serious were the traffic jams."

Lone Survivor pt 8

I have finally completed the book Lone Survivor. It is one of the greatest books I have ever read. I finished of pages 350 to 400 and they really struck me. Marcus was stunned by the RPG, but more surprised to be alive. He was now all alone with no supplies, no water, wounded, but fortunate to still have his gun. He knew he had to find a place to hide because the Taliban would be looking for him soon. Fortunately, there was a rocky crevasse that he was able to hide in and find protection. He tried to remain as still as he possibly could and remained like that for eight hours. Once it was dark he left his cover to look for water, and find anyone that might help with his rescue. He was finally found by the leader of an Afghan village. Marcus was surprised that instead of killing him he took him into his village and provided protection based upon an ancient Law of hospitality. Although, the Taliban surrounded the village, and demanded his release, the village leader would not do so. A man from the village walked 30 miles through the mountains to inform the American military of Marcus’ location. A few days later a group of army Rangers came and rescued Marcus. Marcus survived all of this because he promised his fallen comrades that he would tell there stories. I am very thankful he did because it showed me that there still is patriotism and morals left in this country. To me these men dying in action has helped me realize the sacrifice people make for me everyday. Words cannot describe the thanks I have for the people of the armed forces.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lone Survivor pt 7

I am in the last 100 pages of Lone Survivor and it is almost impossible for me to put the book down. I read pages 300 to 350 and they have kept my attention the whole time. For me I have to stop and put the book down and realize that this book is not fictional and it is 100% fact and that causes me to have a heavy heart for Marcus Luttrell. The next SEAL to be wounded was Axe, Marcus’s brothers’ best friend. He took a round in his chest, but continued on fighting even when his life’s blood was draining out. Right after that, Danny who was already mortally wounded took a round in the head and he died instantly. The three remaining SEALS continued to slide down the mountain to keep the Taliban from completely surrounding them. No matter how many Taliban they killed moirĂ© just kept coming, and there was no let up in the constant gunfire. In an attempt to call in reinforcements Maechal Murphy had to expose himself to the enemy to get a clear signal. It was when he was doing that he was hit with a round, which proved fatal. Mikey was screaming in pain asking for help, but there was nothing Marcus could do because he was pinned down. Marcus and Axe continued to fight until they were blown down the mountain by a RPG. That was the last time Marcus saw Axe. Although, Marcus survived the hit proved fatal for Axe. These three Navy SEALS gave up there lives so that we could be freed. This message continues to hit me every time. The SEALS never gave up and even when they were having there last breaths they were trying to defend the red, white, and blue. This makes me very proud to be an American.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Favorite Sentences

"But there was a terrible reality about Mikey's words. Was I afraid of these guys? No. I was afrain of their possible buddies in the Taliban? No. I was afraid of the Liberal media back in the U.S.A.? Yes."
pg. 203

Lone Survivor pt 6

This book is getting even more and more interesting. I have read pages 250 to 300 and they continued to intrigue me. The last time I blogged the Seals had just started the fire fight with the Taliban. Since they were boxed in and the gun fire was so heavy the only choice they had was to fall back, which really was falling off the mountain side. Marcus and Mikey fell uncontrolled down the mountain losing a lot of their gear, but somehow able to hold onto there guns. As soon as they landed, although banged up and bruised a little bit they both continued to some under heavy fire. Not to much later, Axe and Danny came sliding down the mountain. The first to get hit by the raging bullets was Danny. The thumb on his right hand had been blown off. They found new positions of cover, but it wasn't long before the Taliban had them pinned down again. The only choice again was to fall back no matter what the Navy Seals they couldn't get the hire ground. Danny was shot again, by this time he had been shot four times, even though mortally wounded he continued to fight. Marcus called it a brand of valor he had never seen before. Danny was fighting for our freedom and was possibly dieing to do it. It continues to hit me that these men were fighting for our lives and our freedom.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lone Survivor pt 5

I am still reading the book Lone Survivor and it is always hard for me to sop reading it. The pages I read were 200 to 250 and every page was very interesting. In the last blog I wrote about how the men left the shepherds go. This decision was very crucial. After about an hour and a half about 80 to 100 heavily armed Taliban warriors with AK 47s and RPG's (RPG's are rocket propelled grenades) were in position above them on the mountain. Marcus at this point realized it was a mistake to have allowed the goat herders to live. They had gone and immediately reported the position of the four Navy Seals to the Taliban. The hill top was swarming with so many men there was no escape except to go down the mountain. Marcus fired the first shot killing a Taliban who had his gun pointed at him, at that moment everything broke loose. the Taliban started shooting down the mountain from every angle. Navy Seals were all firing non stop, at this point Mikey said "Marcus no options now, buddy, kill'em all!" The gun fight focused on the two flank men. After about 5 minutes of fighting the Taliban identified Marcus' position and he began to take on heavy fire from the Taliban, whose only goal was to terminate and kill them. These four Seals are in a battle to help keep freedom for me. Reading this it really hit me the these people are fighting for my freedom and they do not even know me. It truly means so much to me that these men did and continue to do this. The people that told the Taliban make me so angry. If the Seals were not scared of getting trialed for murder if the they would of killed the herders but instead they got ratted out and are now in a fight for there lives.

Friday, September 2, 2011


The book I have been reading is called "Lone Survivor" and I have read pages 100 to 200. But over this whole semester I have read 200 total pages. My sentences of the week are the sentences that either made me think deeper about what I was reading or just hit me about the sacrifice Seals make. All of them made me truly think and that is why they were my top 3 sentences. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Favorite Sentences

1. "Get in the surf!" he bawled. "Right know!"
2. We treated anyone who came, at the American taxpayer's expense, and we gave everyone as good care as we could.
3. "This is it Marcus, We're going. Go get the guys ready."

Lone Survivor Pt. 4

I read the pages 150 to 200 and I am continuing to like the book. I keep on gaining more knowledge on Navy Seals and specifically the story of Marcus Luttrell. The book has went from him in training to him actually being a Navy Seal. Three other men went on the mission, known as as Red Wing with Marcus. Petty Officer Matthew Axelson, Lieutenant Micheal Murphy, and Petty Officer Danny Dietz. The mission was in the Northeast part of Afghanistan on the Pakistan border in the Hindu Kush mountain range. They were to take captive or kill an Al Qaeda terrorist. They were flown in by helicopter into the mountains, where they fast roped from the helicopter to the ground. They set up their position to overlook a village, where it was believed the terrorist was hiding. Had they no more established their position, than an Afghan sheep herder walked up on them Along with the sheep herder their was another man and a young boy. The four Navy Seals had to decide whether to kill these three Afghans, take them captive, or let them go. They chose after much discussion to let them go. Warning them to to tell anyone where they were. After this they had to relocate their position. I have never had to make a decision like the decision they had to make. I do not know if I could ever do that. There dilemma was those people could go tell Al Qaeda where they were hiding. These men had to make a life or death decision. They had to be cool under pressure and that is what I need to be. It would help me in many ways, especially in school. I would do better on test and that would help my grades.