Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lone Survivor pt 8

I have finally completed the book Lone Survivor. It is one of the greatest books I have ever read. I finished of pages 350 to 400 and they really struck me. Marcus was stunned by the RPG, but more surprised to be alive. He was now all alone with no supplies, no water, wounded, but fortunate to still have his gun. He knew he had to find a place to hide because the Taliban would be looking for him soon. Fortunately, there was a rocky crevasse that he was able to hide in and find protection. He tried to remain as still as he possibly could and remained like that for eight hours. Once it was dark he left his cover to look for water, and find anyone that might help with his rescue. He was finally found by the leader of an Afghan village. Marcus was surprised that instead of killing him he took him into his village and provided protection based upon an ancient Law of hospitality. Although, the Taliban surrounded the village, and demanded his release, the village leader would not do so. A man from the village walked 30 miles through the mountains to inform the American military of Marcus’ location. A few days later a group of army Rangers came and rescued Marcus. Marcus survived all of this because he promised his fallen comrades that he would tell there stories. I am very thankful he did because it showed me that there still is patriotism and morals left in this country. To me these men dying in action has helped me realize the sacrifice people make for me everyday. Words cannot describe the thanks I have for the people of the armed forces.

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